
Ukraine involvement in 2020 elections
Ukraine involvement in 2020 elections

The objective of this poisonous mix is to sow divisions in the working class while fashioning a new constituency for imperialist war from among privileged layers of the upper-middle class and the pseudo-left satellites of the Democratic Party. At its heart, it consists of a fusion of identity politics-the relentless promotion of race, gender and sexual orientation as the motive forces of US society-and a viciously pro-war imperialist policy. It also provides a window into the real character of the Democratic Party and the Clinton campaign. The WSWS wrote that the anti-Russia media campaign was “a measure of how central the military buildup and war preparations against Russia are to US imperialist policy around the globe.” The commentary continued: Clinton took up this theme and made it central to her general election campaign. Similar columns, with less lurid headlines but equally inflammatory arguments, appeared in The Atlantic magazine, the Los Angeles Times, and elsewhere. Trump gave an ambiguous response, and a media barrage began immediately.Ī column by Paul Krugman in the Times branded Trump “The Siberian candidate,” (a takeoff on the Cold War thriller, “The Manchurian Candidate”), suggesting he was a Russian agent. The signal came from the New York Times, which questioned Trump on the NATO pledge to go to war if any member state, including the small Baltic republics Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, came into military conflict with Russia. Soon after the Republican convention nominated Trump, and on the eve of the Democratic convention that would do the same for Clinton, the Democrats began a carefully prepared attack on Trump for his alleged ties to Russia. Democrat Hillary Clinton ran openly as the preferred candidate of the national-security apparatus and a strident advocate of stepped-up intervention in the territories of the former Soviet Union. The “Russian question” was put back on the US agenda in the course of the 2016 presidential election.

ukraine involvement in 2020 elections ukraine involvement in 2020 elections

Part One | Part Two The 2016 election and the Mueller investigation

Ukraine involvement in 2020 elections